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Concert Review: 台灣新生代藝術家「聯盟」演出 令人驚艷

April 20, 2019

三名台灣新生代藝術家與現代舞團「IC Movement Project」近日在史翠斯摩爾實驗劇場帶來「聯盟-結作伙(Alliance)」演出,結合傳統與現代的藝術元素,並納入舞蹈、音樂等多種形式,獲熱烈迴響與鼓勵。

演出由現代舞團「IC Movement Project」及藝術總監兼創始人舞蹈家周拮如(Ivy Chow)主導,小提琴家及二胡演奏家林維洋、鋼琴家陳孜怡、作曲家兼鋼琴家楊嵐茵和大提琴家瓊斯(Molly Jones)合作表演,由中華民國文化部與駐美代表處台灣書院贊助。

Concert Review: Renaissance Piano Duo Concert in Church of Epiphany DC

February 28, 2019

來自台灣的鋼琴家楊嵐茵與陳孜怡26日在華府首次舉行雙鋼琴音樂會,攜手創立「文藝復興雙鋼琴」(Renaissance Duo)。演出融入多種創新元素,比如跺腳和拍琴等,活潑的演奏形式讓音樂更具表現力,她們跨越文化界限探索不同曲目,通過音樂與觀眾建立聯繫;兩人從去年開始準備,今年4月將登陸紐約卡內基音樂廳,把雙鋼琴演奏帶到國際舞台。

DCINY Artist Series presents Renaissance Duo: Tzu-Yi Zoe Chen and Lan-In Winnie Yang in Review

April 15, 2019

Though April showers came our way, they brought a piano duo, and boy could they play! The Renaissance Duo, consisting of duo-pianists Tzu-Yi Zoe Chen and Lan-In Winnie Yang (who is also a composer), presented as a part of the Distinguished Concerts International New York (DCINY) Artist series, brought a powerhouse program to Weill Hall on April 12, 2019. I recall fondly Tzu-Yi’s Weill Hall solo debut recital from October 11, 2014, reviewed in these pages (Tzu-Yi Chen in Review). At that recital, she played a suite by Lan-In, so to hear the two of them working together was almost foretold, but I had no idea it would be as delightful as it was.

MUSEconnect 1st Annual Gala..

October 28, 2018

The first annual MUSEconnect, held at the DiMenna concert hall, took place at the Mary Flagler Cary Hall on October 20th 2018. There were some lovely words in the program on behalf of Council Member Peter Koo, Assemblyman Ron Kim, as well as Assemblywoman Nily Rozic. Attendees of the concert series were Local Queens politicians and members of the New York music scene, as well as MUSEconnect advisory board members, donors and sponsors.

跨樂創團首場音樂會 , 觀眾陶醉聆聽

October 22, 2018

跨樂音樂協會」(MuseConnect)20日晚在曼哈頓DiMenna Center舉行開幕音樂會「Opening Gala Concert」,音樂會邀請中外音樂家聯合演出,曲目融合東西方音樂元素,現場逾200名觀眾,陶醉聆聽,浸潤在一場豐盛的音樂饗宴中。

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